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How to use the CLI

Getting started

Running the script with the help option diplays CLI commands and options:

xplan-tools --help
The help option can also be called for commands and sub-commands:
xplan-tools convert --help

Conversion between different encodings

XPlanung data can be converted between different encodings using the convert command, e.g. from GML to JSON-FG

xplan-tools convert input.gml output.json
The encoding is derived from the file path or DB connection string (URI format). To convert, for instance, a GML file to a GeoPackage, we run
xplan-tools convert input.gml gpkg:///output.gpkg
XTrasse data can be converted between different encodings using the convert command, together with the option --xtrasse:
xplan-tools convert input.gml output.json --xtrasse

If no output is provided, the data is written to stdout in the internal encoding.

Utilizing style rules

XPlanung presentational objects can be augmented with style properties (stylesheetId, schriftinhalt) via the convert command with the option --add-style-properties:

xplan-tools convert input.gml output.gml --add-style-properties
If the option --ppo-to-pto is added, XP_PPO are converted to XP_PTO objects in order to populate schriftinhalt.

The underlying rules can e.g. be exported like this:

xplan-tools serialize-style styles.yaml --format yaml

Version migration

Migrating from Xplanung version 5.x to 6.0 is done with the CLI command

xplan-tools convert xplan5x.gml --to-version 6.0
for a .gml data file xplan5x.gml.

INSPIRE transformation

Using the CLI tool to convert XPlanung data from version 6.0 to INSPIRE PLU 4.0 is straightforward. Given a dataset xplan60.gml we run

xplan-tools convert xplan60.gml --to-version plu

Chaining version migration and INSPIRE transformation

Applying the transformation to INSPIRE PLU 4.0 from XPlanung data version 5.* is done with same command as before. Given a dataset xplan5x.gml we run

xplan-tools convert xplan5x.gml --to-version plu

Initializing a database

An XPlanung database with GeoPackage backend can be initialized like this:

xplan-tools manage-db create-schema gpkg:///example.gpkg

Container image usage

Input data should be mounted in the /data directory in the container, e.g.

docker run \
-v input/dir:/data \ \
convert test.gml inspire.gml --to-version=plu
The output file will then be available in the mounted directory.